✺ Community Resources ✺

  • The Walk-In Counseling Center offers free, anonymous, walk-in/as needed counseling services, in person and online.

    Open Path Collective provides therapy services ranging from $30-$70 per session, with both in person and online options.

  • DB101 is such a great resource to utilize when you want to better understand your benefits, resources that may be available to help your specific situation, and navigating "the System." Search for helpful articles about your questions on their website or give them a call , email, or chat and they can answer your questions and guide you to helpful additional resources.

    Similarly, United Way, or "211" is also a great place to start to get connected to resources specific to your unique circumstances.

    The Goodwill Easter Seals of MN Work Incentives Connection has been so helpful to many of my clients in navigating their specific financial situation. They can do a comprehensive "benefits analysis" and also answer questions on their hotline about how much you can work without losing access to your county benefits or social security income.

Crisis Resources